Chem c3000 used
Chem c3000 used

chem c3000 used
  2. #CHEM C3000 USED PLUS#

The 192-page, full-colour experiment manual is written at a more advanced level than the other chemistry kits. Small bottle for silver nitrate solution.Plastic bottle, blue (for sodium hydroxide).Plastic bottle, red (for hydrochloric acid).These concepts are critical to continued study of chemistry so makes a great preparation for secondary school level chemistry. Often an advantage for girls, but perhaps a disadvantage for younger children.ĬHEMISTRY C3000 teaches more advanced topics such as chemical equations, atomic structures, and the periodic table as well as the basic topics covered in the other chemistry kits we stock. This kit doesn't have cartoon figures of the 'mad white haired stereotypical male professor' which Chem C500 and C1000 have. It is more like a textbook, but the manual is too much fun to make that comparison. The lovely thing from our point of view is that it includes more scientific apparatus such as a sturdy metal clamp stand and base, a porcelain crucible and a glass conical flask.and only this kit contains Magnesium Strips and really that has to be the definition of the best chemistry set!


It includes all of the components from CHEM C2000 and CHEM1000, plus lots of extra tools and chemicals, and over 80 additional experiments, for a total of more than 333 experiments.

chem c3000 used

The CHEMISTRY C3000 is the ultimate chemistry set.

Chem c3000 used